

What Will You Get From This Blog?

When i graduated from the University of the West of England (Bristol) in 2009, although i had graduated, i didn't feel like one. I had spent 4years of my life just reading to pass exams and not really understanding the information and opportunity i had been given over that period of time. 
But in 2013, something radical happened to me. I had an encounter with God where He revealed my PURPOSE to me. I saw myself speaking to crowds of people and then He said to me "I have made you to empower and transform the next generation through the discovery of their purpose and potential so that they can change the World" - That singular instruction has given my life clarity & direction, it has empowered me to make better decisions and gotten rid of distractions that won't let me focus, and today i am living a life doing what i love with no stress, married to the woman that complements me perfectly, and in relationship with a God that loves me unconditionally. 

My mission with this blog is to help 'teenagers' discover themselves so they can make better decisions and avoid most of the mistakes i made growing up. A lot of these mistakes have been replicated by many which has led to the deplorable state of our country Nigeria, a confused populace unfulfilled with the work they do, a generation that have lost all reverence for the union of marriage & the presence of God. 

My dream is that through this medium, someone discovers their true identity before entering the university, picks the right course and career path inline with their purpose, avoids drugs and excessive use of alcohol, avoids sexual exposure (for both boys and girls), solves the problem s(he) has been made for, gets married to a partner that is in alignment with their direction in life, live a life worthy of emulation by others and ultimately secure eternal life through a perfect relationship with Jesus Christ!!!

Thank you for taking time out visit this blog, it is my prayer that millions of you will come to know the real YOU through it. If you are no longer a teenager, i believe there is still value in here for you as well because "It is never too late" to answer the question WHY?. You can help your younger ones by directing them here for unique insights, real life examples and illustrations that show the importance of having a purpose...and if you have any questions for me, i'd be more than happy to help out...simply use the contact form on the right hand side on the homepage. 

Prepare to be TRANSFORMED!!!


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