

Meet Me!!!

My name is Muyiwa Omosa and i am very passionate about seeing transformation in people. I am a strategist by nature and love coming up with ideas and plans to challenge the status quo in everything i do. 

I believe i have been born to empower and transform the next generation through the discovery of their purpose and potential so that they can change the world. I believe everyone is born with a purpose, and a problem only they can solve...the discovery of that purpose is the key to giving your life meaning. If everyone knew what they were born to do, the world would be a happier and more productive place.

I once considered myself the dumbest person alive until i met Christ, and through Him He has given me Wisdom to share my stories with the world. I have made many mistakes and lived a lifestyle i have been embarrassed to share for some time but i have also come to understand these mistakes are common and can be used to prevent millions of other people from making similar blunders once they are brought into the light. 

I am a husband to an amazing wife, who indeed has come with so much blessings and favour i truly do not deserve. A son to my incredible parents who have sacrificed so much for me, it will be impossible to pay them back and a brother to my sister and younger brother who i want to see live the lives they have been made to live. 

Success to me is very simple. The dictionary defines it, as the achievement of goals, but true success is the achievement of Gods goals for your life. I see a lot of people who have acquired cars and houses but are in a hospital dying of an incurable illness, some others have everything life can offer but are dealing with broken marriages and children who have failed as human beings. This is what the world calls success but i refuse to live by the worlds standards. 
I believe true success is being successful in every part of your being...everyone is made up of a Spirit, Soul & Body. Success in your Spirit is to have a rebirth experience through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, Success in your mind is having peace that surpasses all understanding in a chaotic & uncertain world, it is understanding that God is still in control even when it doesn't seem so...and finally Success in your Body is to be healthy. 

Having these 3 things is what has kept me grounded and is the foundation through which every other success has been manifested in my life. 

My mission is to replicate my transformative experience with everyone i meet and help the generation coming after me learn from my mistakes and be empowered to make better decisions for the sake of their families, Nigeria and the World!!! 

One of my biggest desires is for every school to integrate the subject of "Life Code" into its curriculum. "Life Code" will help students in SS2 - A Levels discover their natural and mental abilities, teach them the principles that govern life and prepare them for life after school. The multiplier effect of this subject will lead to more focused students at the university doing what they love, a more efficient and productive workforce, a proud alumni network, effective family dynamics and ultimately a new Nigeria!!! 

- Muyiwa Omosa 

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